Spine & Joint’s Speciality Clinic

A complete healing world. Here you will find everything that can nurture your body, mind and soul.

Keraliya Spine & Joint's Speciality Clinic

The prevalence of various spine & joint related ailments of varying intensity, seriously disabling work and life performance, has led Keraliya Ayurvedic Panchakarma Center to develop the concept of KERALIYA SPINE & JOINT’S SPECIALITY CLINIC, modeling a set of unique treatment protocols.This includes Osteopathic manipulation, Physiotherapy, traction Lepanam and badaging, and techniques of Marma points ( Marma chikitsa Or Medical Vermalogy).The rehabilitation techniques of ‘Yoga’ along with suitable ‘yogasanas” and exercises are used during the convalescence stage, thereby helping to reduce the chance of relapse.

In the past, a patient suffering from Disc problems may have been prescribed pain killers / medications, instructed to refrain from physical activities, referred for Physiotherapy, received steroidal shots or injections, and when they weren’t progressing, they were sent for Spinal Surgery. Frankly speaking only 5% of Back pains require Surgeries; the other 95% can be dealt with conservative & curative Ayurveda Panchakarma Chikitsa.

Today, you may not have to live with that pain anymore. We have successfully treated Lower Back Pain resulting from herniated, bulging, or degenerative discs. We are dedicated to improving the health and function of our patients by combining Traditional Ayurveda Panchakarma Chikitsa with modern technology and Osteopathic manipulation techniques( OMT)to deliver an unprecedented level of service. We have treated many patients with Spinal conditions like:

  • Herniated Discs
  • Bulging Discs
  • Degenerative Disc Disease
  • Sciatica Syndrome
  • Spondylosis (Cervical /Lumbar/ Ankylosing)
    Cervical radiculopathy,
  • Lumbago
  • Dehydrated disc
  • Disc prolapsed
  • Spondylolisthesis
  • Spinal canal stenosis
  • Lower back pain
  • Neck pain
  • Scoliosis etc.

We also have speciality clinic for the treatment of various joint related disorders like: Osteo Arthritis, Osteoporosis , Rheumatism, Goat and Hyperuricemia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Psoriatic Arthritis, Reactive Arthritis, Systemic Lupas Eeythematosus ( SLE), Sjoren,s Syndrome, Mixed connective Tissue Disease ( MCTD),Scleroderma, , Sarcoidosis, fibromyalgia, Soft Tissue Rheumatism, Spondyloarthropathies, Charcot’s Joint , Reactive arthritis, Polymyalgia rheumatic, Polymyositis ect.

Spine Related Diseases & Their Treatments


Sciatica is pain resulting from irritation of the sciatic nerve. The pain of sciatica is typically felt from the low back to behind the thigh and radiating down below the knee.The most common causes are Lumbar herniated disc, Lumbar Spinal Stenosis, Degenerative disc disease, Aging, Osteoporosis, Spondylosis, Pelvic Infections, Tumors, Diabetic neuropathies etc.

Ayurveda categorized Sciatica as one of diseases caused by vitiation of Vata dosha in the body, Sometimes even kapha vitiation along with vata (vata kaphaj) also causes sciatica.Ayurveda is specialized in treating Sciatica with highest treatment success rate. It offers excellent Panchakarma therapies along with internal medicines for treating Sciatica. Therapies like Abhyangam, swedanam, Elakizhi, Choornapinda swedam, Pizhichil, Shirodhara, Kativasty, Navarakizhi, Vasti karma, are done as per the necessity and condition. These therapies are directed towards relieving the inflammatory changes and underlying causes of Sciatica, releasing the spasms and nerve compressions in the affected area, strengthening and nourishing entire spine & supporting tissues. Usually the treatment period is 3 – 5 weeks according to the severity of the disease. Along with these therapies; Ayurveda has also described Sira vedana (Venesection) and Agni karma for treating Sciatica. In four to six weeks, the majority of patients find their symptoms are relieved without surgery.


A slipped disc is when the soft part of the disc bulges through the circle of connective tissue. This prolapsed may push on the spinal cord or on the nerve roots. However, it is worth noting that 20 per cent of the populations have slipped discs without experiencing any noticeable symptoms. The term ‘slipped disc’ does not really describe the process properly – the disc does not actually slip out of place, but bulges out towards the spinal cord. This condition is also known as a herniated, ruptured, prolapsed, or, more commonly, slipped disk. the symptoms of slipped disk are pain in back, neck and lower part of the body, feeling of partial or complete numbness in the parts above and below the affected area, weakness in the lower limbs, scratchy/itchy (tingling) feeling around the genitals, pain while doing any activity such as sneezing, coughing, walking, people suffering from slipped disk often complain of experiencing partial or regular unconsciousness.

The Ayurvedic treatment usually involves Panchakarma expert Ayurvedic doctor’s consultation and a series of ayurvedic panchakarma treatments like ABHAYANGAM, SWEDAM, ELAKIZHI, NAVARAKIZHI,NASYAM,KATIVASTI,ANUVASHAN & KASHAYA VASTI , Marma chikitsa, Meru Chikitsa (Ayurvedic Neuro-Therapy) along with Vatahara chikitsa and Brumhana chikitsa and internal medicines. Usually the treatment period is 7/14/21/28 days according to the severity of the disease. The majority of patients find their symptoms are relieved without surgery! Be optimistic about your treatment plan and remember that less than 5% of back problems require surgery! We give best treatment for “Slip Disc” with high success rates at KASPC. If you have “Slipped Disc” and are suffering, don’t get worried.


Spondylosis is a condition of the spine in which it is hardened and stiffened by osteoarthritis. It is also referred to as degenerative disease of the spine. The two common areas that are affected are the neck (cervical spondylosis) and the lower back (lumber spondylosis). Constant wear and tear and injury to the joints of the spine cause arthritis in the joints. The discs, which are like soft rubber shock absorbers between the vertebrae, become hard and stiff as they shrink with age. This causes strains on all the surrounding joints and tissues, leading to stiffness. Many milder cases cause no symptoms. The common symptoms are stiffness and tenderness in the neck or lower back.

Cervical Spondylosis

This can cause a painful neck with headache and aches and pain in the surrounding areas. The neck feels very stiff, which makes it hard to turn around.

Lumber Spondylosis

Common symptoms are stiffness and pain in the lower back with poor movements (such as difficulty in bending forwards). Shooting pains in the buttocks and legs resulting in sciatica are common. There may be pain in the back of the legs after a long walk.In Ayurveda, Panchakarma treatments are the best option to reduce neck pain and disc compression. Its treatment includes: Basti (Enema), Shiro dhara,Abhyangam, Patra Pinda Sweda ,Bashpa Sweda ,Nasyam, Elakizhi, Shastika Sali Pinda Swedam/ Pizhichil, Greeva vasthi etc.

Frozen Shoulder

Frozen shoulder, also known as adhesive capsulitis, is a condition characterized by stiffness and pain in the shoulder joint. This condition typically develops slowly over several months and consists of three stages: the painful stage; the frozen stage; and the thawing stage. This condition is caused by inflammation and stiffness of the shoulder capsule due to old age, injury, prolonged immobilization or health conditions like diabetes, heart disease, lung disease etc.

Frozen shoulders may be correlated to “Apabahukam” in Ayurveda. It is mainly caused due to vitiation of Vata dosha. Due to any history of previous Injury, Over Exercises, Excessive indulgence in foods which are dry, cold, salty, Keeping awake at nights, Fasting, Indigestion and other Stress related factors Vata gets vitiated and gets to locate at the root of the Shoulders constricts the Veins (Siras) which ultimately produce ‘Apabahukam’ causing Loss of Movement of the Arm. The Analgesics, Corticosteroids, Anti-Inflammatory Drugs, etc. may give a timely & temporary relief of the symptoms. The drawback is that these medicines instead of removing the root cause, suppresses the symptoms leading to the increase in severity. Ayurveda & Panchakarma treatment Procedures mainly removes the Root Cause.

The Ayurvedic treatment of frozen shoulder is aimed at treating stiffness and pain and preserving the mobility of the shoulder joint. Application of heat to the shoulder joint is quite helpful in reducing pain and stiffness. This procedure is repeated daily for a few weeks till there is considerable reduction in pain and stiffness, after which the frequency of the procedure is reduced gradually.

Physiotherapy of the affected joint is very important to maintain as much range of motion as possible. Surgery may be a last option to provide relief in this condition.


The word spondylolisthesis derives from two parts: spondylo which means spine, and listhesis which means slippage.So, a spondylolisthesis is a forward slip of one vertebra relative to another. Spondylolisthesis usually occurs towards the base of your spine in the lumbar area. Spondylolisthesis can be described according to its degree of severity. One commonly used description grades spondylolisthesis, with grade 1 being least advanced, and grade 5 being most advanced. The spondylolisthesis is graded by measuring how much of a vertebral body has slipped forward over the body beneath it.It becomes apparent more often in people who are involved with very physical activities such as weightlifting, gymnastics, or football.

Many people with a spondylolisthesis will have no symptoms and will only become aware of the problem when it is revealed on an x-ray for a different problem. However, there are several symptoms that often accompany spondylolisthesis:

  • Pain in the low back, especially after exercise
  • Increased lordosis (ie, swayback).
  • Pain and/or weakness in one or both thighs or legs
  • Reduced ability to control bowel and bladder functions
  • Tight hamstring musculature
  • In cases of advanced spondylolisthesis changes may occur in the way people stand and walk; for example, development of a waddling style of walking. This causes the abdomen to protrude further, due to the lowback curving forward more. The torso (chest, etc.) may seem shorter; and muscle spasms in the lowback may occur

Spinal Stenosis: Lumber and Cervical

Spinal Stenosis is a narrowing of the spinal canal, which places pressure on the spinal cord. If the stenosis is located on the lower part of the spinal cord it is called lumbar spinal stenosis. Stenosis in the upper part of the spinal cord is called cervical spinal stenosis. While spinal stenosis can be found in any part of the spine, the lumbar and cervical areas are the most commonly affected. Some patients are born with this narrowing, but most often spinal stenosis is seen in patients over the age of 50. In these patients, stenosis is the gradual result of aging and “wear and tear” on the spine during everyday activities.There most likely is a genetic predisposition to this since only a minority of individuals develops advanced symptomatic changes. As people age, the ligaments of the spine can thicken and harden (called calcification). Bones and joints may also enlarge, and bone spurs (called osteophytes) may form. Bulging or herniated discs are also common. Spondylolisthesis (the slipping of one vertebra onto another) also occurs and leads to compression.When these conditions occur in the spinal area, they can cause the spinal canal to narrow, creating pressure on the spinal nerve.

The narrowing of the spinal canal itself does not usually cause any Spinal stenosis symptoms. It is when inflammation of the nerves occurs at the level of increased pressure that patients begin to experience problems. Patients with lumbar spinal stenosis may feel pain, weakness, or numbness in the legs, calves or buttocks. In the lumbar spine, symptoms often increase when walking short distances and decrease when the patient sits, bends forward or lies down. Cervical spinal stenosis may cause similar symptoms in the shoulders, arms, and legs; hand clumsiness and gait and balance disturbances can also occur.

In some patients, the pain starts in the legs and moves upward to the buttocks; in other patients, the pain begins higher in the body and moves downward. This is referred to as a “sensory march.” The pain may radiate like Sciatica or may be a cramping pain. In severe cases, the pain can be constant.Severe cases of stenosis can also cause bladder and bowel problems, but this rarely occurs. Also paraplegia or significant loss of function also rarely, if ever, occurs.

Degenerative Disc Disease

Degenerative disc disease is not really a disease but a term used to describe the normal changes in Spinal discs.. Spinal discs are soft, compressible discs that separate the interlocking bones (Vertebrae) that make up the Spine. The discs act as shock absorbers for the spine, allowing it to flex, bend, and twist. Degenerative disc disease can take place throughout the spine, but it most often occurs in the discs in the lower back (lumbar region) and the neck (cervical region).

The changes in the discs can result in back or neck pain, Osteoarthritis, Herniated disc and Spinal stenosis. These conditions may put pressure on the spinal cord and nerves, leading to pain and possibly affecting nerve function.

As we age, our spinal discs break down, or degenerate, which may result in degenerative disc disease in some people. These changes are more likely to occur in people who smoke cigarettes and those who do heavy physical work (such as repeated heavy lifting). People who are obese are also more likely to have symptoms of degenerative disc disease. A sudden (acute) injury leading to a herniated disc (such as a fall) may also begin the degeneration process.

Degenerative disc disease may result in back or neck pain, but this varies from person to person. Many people have no pain, while others with the same amount of disc damage have severe pain that limits their activities. Where the pain occurs depends on the location of the affected disc. An affected disc in the neck area may result in neck or arm pain, while an affected disc in the lower back may result in pain in the back, buttock, or leg. The pain often gets worse with movements such as bending over, reaching up, or twisting. The pain may start after a major injury (such as from a car accident), a minor injury (such as a fall from a low height), or a normal motion (such as bending over to pick something up). It may also start gradually for no known reason and get worse over time. In some cases, numbness or tingling in leg or arm may present.

Low Back Pain

Pain in the lower back or low back pain is a common concern. Low back pain is not a specific disease, rather it is a symptom that may occur from a variety of different processes. In up to 85% of people with low back pain, despite a thorough medical examination, no specific cause of the pain can be identified. Back pain can have many underlying reasons, but often no specific cause will be found and the pain will stop. Low back pain is second only to the common cold as a cause of lost days at work. It is also one of the most common reasons to visit a doctor’s office or a hospital’s emergency department .For 90% of people; even those with nerve root irritation, their symptoms will improve within two months no matter what treatment is used, even if no treatment is given.

Back pain is a symptom. Common causes of back pain involve disease or injury to the muscles, bones, and/or nerves of the spine. Pain arising from abnormalities of organs within the abdomen, pelvis, or chest may also be felt in the back. This is called referred pain. Many disorders within the abdomen, such as appendicitis, aneurysms, kidney diseases, kidney infection, bladder infections, pelvic infections, and ovarian disorders, among others, can cause pain referred to the back. Normal pregnancy can cause back pain in many ways, including stretching ligaments within the pelvis, irritating nerves, and straining the low back.

Nerve root syndromes are those that produce symptoms of nerve impingement (a nerve is directly irritated), often due to a herniation( or bulging) of the disc between the lower back bones. Sciatica is an example of nerve root impingement. Impingement pain tends to be sharp, affecting a specific area, and associated with numbness in the area of the leg that the affected nerve supplies. Herniated discs develop as the spinal discs degenerate or grow thinner. The jellylike central portion of the disc bulges out of the central cavity and pushes against a nerve root. Inter vertebral discs begin to degenerate by the third decade of life. Herniated discs are found in one-third of adults older than 20 years of age. Only 3% of these, however, produce symptoms of nerve impingement.

Spondylosis occurs as inter vertebral discs lose moisture and volume with age, which decreases the disc height. Even minor trauma under these circumstances can cause inflammation and nerve root impingement, which can produce classic sciatica without disc rupture. Spinal disc degeneration coupled with disease in joints of the low back can lead to spinal-canal narrowing ( spinal stenosis) These changes in the disc and the joints produce symptoms and can be seen on an x-ray. A person with spinal stenosis may have pain radiating down both lower extremities while standing for a long time or walking even short distances. Cauda equina syndrome is a medical emergency whereby the spinal cord is directly compressed. Disc material expands into the spinal canal, which compresses the nerves. A person would experience pain, possible loss of sensation, and bowel or bladder dysfunction. This could include inability to control urination causing incontinence or the inability to begin urination.

Musculoskeletal pain syndromes that produce low back pain include myofascial pain syndromes and fibromyalgia. Myofascial pain is characterized by pain and tenderness over localized areas ( tigger points), loss of range of motion in the involved muscle groups, and pain radiating in a characteristic distribution but restricted to a peripheral nerve. Relief of pain is often reported when the involved muscle group is stretched. Fibromyalgia results in widespread pain and tenderness throughout the body. Generalized stiffness, fatigue and muscle aches are reported. Infections of the bones (osteomyelitis) of the spine are an uncommon cause of low back pain. Noninfectious inflammation of the spine (spondylitis) can cause stiffness and pain in the spine that is particularly worse in the morning. Ankylosing spondylitis typically begins in adolescents and young adults.Tumors, possibly cancerous, can be a source of skeletal pain.Inflammation of nerves from the spine can occur with infection of the nerves with the herpes zoster virus that causes shingles. This can occur in the thoracic area to cause upper back pain or in the lumbar area to cause low back pain.

Cervical Radiculopathy

Cervical radiculopathy is the clinical description of pain and neurological symptoms resulting from any type of condition that irritates a nerve in the cervical spine (neck).

Cervical nerves exit the cervical spine (neck) at each level, C1 – C7, (nerves in the neck exit above the designated vertebral level at all levels except the last one; C8 exits below C7 vertebra) and then branch out to supply muscles that enable the shoulders, arms, hands and fingers to function. The y also carry sensory fibers to the skin and muscles that provide sensation.

When any nerve root in the cervical spine is irritated through compression or inflammation, the symptoms can radiate along that nerve’s pathway into the arm and hand. The patient’s specific cervical radiculopathy symptoms will depend primarily on which nerve is affected. The symptoms may also be referred to as radicular pain.

Causes of Cervical Radiculopathy

Any condition that injures or somehow irritates the cervical nerve can cause cervical radiculopathy. The most common causes include:

  • Cervical Herniated Disc. If the inner material of the cervical disc herniates, or leaks out, and inflames and/or impinges on the adjacent nerve, it can cause a cervical radiculopathy.
  • Cervical Spinal Stenosis. As part of the degenerative process of the cervical spine, changes in the spinal joints can lead to tightening of the space for the spinal canal.
  • Cervical Degenerative Disc Disease. When the cervical spine degenerates over time, it can result in degenerated discs and a pinched nerve.


cervical radiculopathy can also be caused by other conditions, such as a tumor, fracture or sarcoidosis, which can compress or cause damage to the cervical nerve roots


Patients with cervical radiculopathy typically feel pain, weakness or numbness in the areas served by the damaged nerve. Pain can be in one area only, like the shoulder, or progress along the entire arm. The type of pain also can vary. Some patients describe dull, all over pain; others describe the pain as severe burning or sharp. Patients may feel tingling, “pins and needles,” or numbness.

Certain neck movements, like bending the neck back, side to side, or rotating it, may increase the pain. Some patients report that pain decreases when they place a hand behind their head; the movement may be relieving the pressure and traction on the nerve root which then lessens their symptoms.


There is a wide range of treatment options available for cervical radiculopathy, and the treatment will depend mainly on the underlying cause of the patient’s symptoms as well as the severity of symptoms.

Joint’s Related Diseases & Their Treatments

Arthritis (Joints Pain)

Arthritis is a medical condition affecting a joint or joints, causing pain, swelling and stiffness. There are more than 100 different forms of arthritis. Two of the most common conditions are osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).Osteoarthritis (OA) is mainly seen in older adults. In OA, joints are damaged as cartilage, the material that surrounds joints, wears down, causing inflammation. The disease can become disabling. Osteoarthritis often affects the knees, making it hard to walk. Other commonly affected areas include the hips, fingers and spine. The wrists, elbows, shoulders, and ankles can also be involved when there is a prior injury or weakness from repetitive strain. Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disease, in which the immune system attacks parts of the body, resulting in inflammation. The most commonly affected areas include the hands and feet, although RA can also affect the elbows, shoulders, neck, jaw, ankles, knees, and hips. Patients with RA also have joint swelling, pain, and stiffness.

OA is identified in Ayurveda medicine as Sandhigata vata and RA as Ama vata. Ayurveda prescribed different kinds of treatments for different kinds of joint pains. One major advantage of Ayurvedic herbal medicines in such an affliction is that medicines may be taken for long periods without any serious side-effects. Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapies like Snehan ,Swedan ,Verachanam, Janu Vasti, Vasti Karma, Elakizhi, Navarakizhi,Pizhichil, Lepanam, Dhara, Dahan (local heat branding) , and Shamana (symptomatic oral treatment) etc are very good for different types of arthritis.

Osteoporosis (Asthi Chhaya)

“Osteoporosis” is a condition characterized by the loss of the normal density of bone, resulting in fragile bone. Osteoporosis leads to literally abnormally porous bone that is more compressible like a sponge, than dense like a brick.. It occurs when bones lose an excessive amount of their protein and mineral content, particularly calcium. Osteoporosis is often called the silent disease, because bone loss occurs without symptoms. People often don’t know they have the disease until a bone break, frequently in a minor fall that wouldn’t normally cause a fracture. The leading cause of osteoporosis is a lack of certain hormones, particularly estrogen in women and androgen in men. Other conditions that may lead to osteoporosis include overuse of corticosteroids, thyroid problems, lack of muscle use, bone cancer, certain genetic disorders, use of certain medications, and problems such as low calcium in the diet.From an ayurvedic perspective, osteoporosis is a vata condition, with the bones becoming porous due to an excess of air and ether and a decrease in earth. Vata is characterized by people who are extremely creative, generally slender, moody, lively and impulsive among others. Ayurvedic treatment involves natural Ayuvedic calcium and PANCHAKARMA PROCEDURE like Abhyanga ,Swedam Vamanam, Virecanam, Asthapana Vasthi, Anuvasana Vasthi in consecutive order.


This group of rheumatic diseases principally affects the spine. One common form—ankylosing spondylitis—also may affect the hips, shoulders, and knees. The tendons and ligaments around the bones and joints become inflamed, resulting in pain and stiffness. Ankylosing spondylitis tends to affect people in late adolescence or early adulthood.

Ankylosing spondylitis is a form of chronic inflammation of the spine and sacroiliac joints, resulting in pain and stiffness in and around the spine, which leads to a complete fusion of the vertebrae – a process referred to as ankylosis. Genetics, environmental factors and a disturbed immunity are believed to be responsible for this disease. Pain, stiffness, fatigue, eye inflammation and multiple-joint inflammation are common symptoms of the disease. The heart, lungs and kidneys too can get affected because of this condition. The Ayurvedic treatment of ankylosing spondylitis is aimed at reducing inflammation and rigidity in the spine, preventing or reducing inflammation in other affected organs and normalizing the immune function of the body. Ayurveda offers excellent therapies for treating Ankylosing spondylitis. The strength of Ayurveda in the area of spine and joint treatments is globally appreciated. Since it addresses the root cause. KASPC offers a very effective treatment methodology based on the classical texts of Ayurveda. The treatment comprises of Detoxification, rejuvenation through Ayurvedic Panchakarma therapy along with the administration of researched medicines internally.Ayurvedic Treatments usually involve a series of Treatments like Abhayangam, Swedam, Nasyam, Elakizhi, Navarakizhi, Kativasti, Sneha vasti,Aasthapan Vasti, Pizhichil etc.Marma Chikitsa along with Vatahara Chikitsa and Brumhana Chikitsa.

Reactive arthritis is another spondyloarthropathy. It develops after an infection involving the lower urinary tract, bowel, or other organ. It is commonly associated with eye problems, skin rashes, and mouth sores.

Psoriatic Arthritis

Psoriatic arthritis is a form of arthritis that affects some people who have psoriasis. Joint pain, swelling and inflammation, in addition to the symptoms of psoriasis, are characteristic of this condition which has a tendency to show alternating periods of exacerbation and remissions. Both diseases are auto immune disorders, in which the immune system of the body turns on itself and starts affecting healthy tissue. Genetics, environment and a tumor necrosis factor appear to play a positive role in psoriatic arthritis. This condition is seen more often in the age from 30 to 50.

The Ayurvedic treatment of psoriatic arthritis is aimed at treating the symptoms of both diseases and correcting the immune dysfunction in the body. Once pain and swelling in the joints has been controlled, further treatment is directed towards controlling both the arthritis as well as psoriasis. It is important to maintain a healthy lifestyle in order to adapt to this condition. Regular exercise and stress management are also very important. Yogic asanas and pranayam can help to keep the mind and body fit and healthy. Some ‘Panchakarma’ procedures like blood-letting can also help in the management of this condition.

Mixed Connective-Tissue Disease

Mixed connective-tissue disease (MCTD) is a clinical entity with a combination of Raynaud’s phenomenon, swollen hands, arthritis, esophageal hypomotility, myositis, pulmonary hypertension, sclerodactyl, skin rash, leucopenia, pleuritis, pericarditis and high levels of ribonucleoprotein antibodies. Women are 10 times more affected by this condition than men.The Ayurvedic treatment of MCTD is aimed at controlling symptoms, maintaining normal function, and preventing or delaying complications. Patients affected with MCTD should adopt a healthy lifestyle and appropriate relaxation techniques in order to prevent or delay complications from this disease. All patients affected with MCTD should be under the regular care and supervision of a Rheumatologist.

Gout and Hyperuricemia - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Gout is a condition that results from an overload of crystals of uric acid depositing in tissues of the body, and features recurring attacks of arthritis, decreased kidney function and kidney stones. Some patients may only develop elevated blood uric acid levels – a condition called hyperuricemia – without having arthritis or kidney problems. The term ‘gout’ commonly refers to the painful or arthritic attacks. Obesity; heavy alcohol intake; high blood pressure; certain medications; and diseases like leukemia, lymphomas and hyperthyroidism, are risk factors for gout. Dehydration, injury to the joint, fever, excessive food, a heavy alcohol intake and recent surgery can precipitate an attack of gout. Acute gout attacks are characterized by a rapid onset of severe pain in the affected joint followed by warmth, swelling, reddish discoloration and marked tenderness. While the ankles, knees, wrists, fingers and elbows can be affected, the small joint at the base of the big toe is the most common site of an acute gout attack.

The Ayurvedic treatment of gout is aimed at reducing joint pain and inflammation, controlling uric acid levels in the blood and preventing further attacks and complications. Severe pain in the affected joint can be controlled quickly by blood-letting with the application of leechesOnce the acute attack has subsided, medicines are given to reduce the uric acid levels in the blood and prevent recurrence of attacks. Regular, long-term treatment is essential to adequately control this disease, prevent recurrence and also prevent complications like kidney failure. It is also important to avoid purine-rich foods like shellfish, liver, brain, kidneys, sweetbreads, beer and liquor which can increase uric acid.

Chikungunya - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Chikungunya, also known as Chicken Guinea, is a viral infection caused by an alpha virus that is spread by mosquitoes. The name of the disease means ‘that which bends up’, reflecting the physique of a person suffering from this disease. The Chikungunya virus is highly infective and disabling. Symptoms include a high fever, severe headache, chills, rash, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, muscle pain and joint pain. The joints of the extremities become swollen and painful to touch. Symptoms usually last from 3 to 14 days. Children, pregnant women and persons under stress are more prone to complications.

The Ayurvedic treatment of Chikungunya is aimed at controlling the viral infection, treating or reducing symptoms and preventing complications. It is important to confirm the diagnosis of Chikungunya by using laboratory tests, since the clinical appearance of both Chikungunya and Dengue fever is similar. Adequate precautions need to be taken to prevent mosquito bites, in order to avoid transmission of this disease.

Fibromyalgia (Fibrositis) - Ayurvedic Herbal Treatment

Fibromyalgia, formerly known as fibrositis, is a common and chronic condition affecting the muscles. This condition is present more in women between the ages of 35 and 55. Stress, trauma and infection are believed to cause fibromyalgia. Common symptoms include pain, fatigue, emotional disturbances, headaches and abdominal pain. Unlike other rheumatic conditions, fibromyalgia is not associated with tissue inflammation. Patients affected with this condition appear to have an increased sensitivity to pain, which is wide spread and involves multiple tender points all over the body.

The Ayurvedic treatment of fibromyalgia is aimed at treating the symptoms and reducing stress. Fibromyalgia can be treated effectively in most patients with a combination of education, stress reduction, exercise and medications. Low- impact aerobic exercises, done in moderation, are very helpful in this condition. Relaxation techniques, yogic asanas and pranayam are also quite helpful in fibromyalgia. Treatment programmes need to be tailor-made for each individual


Bursitis is a medical condition involving inflammation of the bursa, which is a small, fluid-filled sac responsible for lubricating and cushioning pressure points between the bones, tendons, and the muscles near the joints. Common symptoms of this condition include a dull pain or stiffness near the affected elbow, knee, shoulder, big toe, or other joints; pain with movement or pressure; and swelling, warmth and redness in the area of the affected bursa. Physical over use, stress on the joints, and direct trauma are common causes of bursitis. Infection, arthritis, or gout may also cause this condition. Ayurvedic medication can promptly reduce symptoms such as pain, stiffness and swelling and bring about considerable relief to the affected individual. Local application of medicated oils and ointments also helps to supplement oral medication and bring about faster relief from the symptoms. Hot fomentation on the affected joint after local application also brings about faster relief from the symptoms.Graded physical exercise, Yogasanas, and relaxation techniques too can help to bring about earlier relief from symptoms and also assist in preventing recurrence of the condition.


Osteoarthritis (OA) is a chronic condition of the joints in which the cartilage cushioning the ends of the bones gradually loses its elasticity and wears away causing stiffness, inflammation, and loss of movement. It can occur in any of the body’s joints but most often develops in the hands and weight-bearing joints, including the knees, hips, and spine (usually in the neck or lower back)Osteoarthritis which is a common suffering these days could be compared to Sandhi gata vata from Ayurveda’s perspective. Current conventional medical treatments focus on pain reduction and control of inflammation; however, these approaches have no effect on the natural course of the disease. The most common medications prescribed for osteoarthritis are, at best, moderately effective. In addition, side effects of these treatments can be quite significant, and at times life-threatening. Often times, the ultimate treatment for a disabling joint is joint replacement, with the inherent risks and cost that come with surgery. we provide very effective treatment for Sandhivata. Early diagnosis and treatment is the key to controlling Sandhivata-osteoarthritis. Panchakarma procedures require around 3 – 4 weeks depending on the joint involved and patient can expect significant benefit within this period.Our goal of managing Sandhivata-osteoarthritis includes controlling/relieving pain, maintaining and improving range of movement and stability of affected joints and limiting functional impairment.

Soft Tissue Rheumatism

Rheumatic diseases do not only affect the joints causing arthritis, but can also affect tissues and structures around a joint, such as the tendons, ligaments, bursae and muscles. The inflammation of these tissues or structures causes bursitis (inflammation of small sac found between the bone andmuscle tendon) and tendinitis (inflammation of thick fibrous cords that attach muscles to bone) and are associated with pain and swelling. Because these structures are near joints, pain in these areas may be mistaken for arthritis. The difference is that arthritis means inflammation in the joint itself, not in the structures around the joint. Soft tissue rheumatic syndromes may affect the areas around the shoulders, elbows, wrists, fingers, hips, back, knees, ankles and feet.

Bursitis and tendinits affect men and women of all age groups.Pain is the main symptom of these conditions. Because the structures affected are located near the joint, moving the joint can be extremely painful and may be difficult. The pain is more prominent at night. Some conditions may cause redness, warmth or swelling in the affected area. Most of these conditions occur suddenly, may last for days, weeks or longer, and then go away. They can, however, occur again in the same place.Treatment focuses on reducing pain and inflammation, as well as on preserving mobility and preventing disability and recurrence. It is important to avoid or modify the activities that cause the problem. Underlying conditions such as leg length differences, improper posture or poor technique in sports or work must be corrected.

What Are the Treatments?

Treatments for rheumatic diseases include rest and relaxation, exercise, proper diet, medication, and instruction about the proper use of joints and ways to conserve energy. Other treatments include the use of pain relief methods and assistive devices, such as splints or braces. In severe cases, surgery may be necessary. The doctor and the patient develop a treatment plan that helps the patient maintain or improve his or her lifestyle. Treatment plans usually combine several types of treatment and vary depending on the rheumatic condition and the patient.

Rest, Exercise, and Diet

People who have a rheumatic disease should develop a comfortable balance between rest and activity. One sign of many rheumatic conditions is fatigue. Patients must pay attention to signals from their bodies. For example, when experiencing pain or fatigue, it is important to take a break and rest. Too much rest, however, may cause muscles to become weak and joints to become stiff.

People with a rheumatic disease such as arthritis can participate in a variety of sports and exercise programs. Physical exercise can reduce joint pain and stiffness and increase flexibility, muscle strength, and endurance. Exercise also can result in weight loss, which in turn reduces stress on painful joints and contributes to an improved sense of well-being. Before starting any exercise program, people with arthritis should talk with their doctor.

Doctors often recommend getting exercise in each of these three categories. The benefits listed below often reinforce each other.

  • Range-of-motion exercises (e.g., stretching, dance) help maintain normal joint movement, maintain or increase flexibility, and relieve stiffness.
  • Strengthening exercises (e.g., weight lifting) maintain or increase muscle strength. Strong muscles help support and protect joints affected by arthritis.
  • Aerobic or endurance exercises (e.g., walking, bicycle riding, swimming) improve cardiovascular fitness, help control weight, improve strength, and improve overall well-being. Studies show that aerobic exercise can also reduce inflammation in some joints.


Another important part of a treatment program is a well-balanced diet. Along with exercise, a well-balanced diet helps people manage their body weight and stay healthy. Diet is especially important for people who have gout. People with gout should avoid alcohol and foods that are high in purines, such as organ meats (liver, kidney), sardines, anchovies, and gravy.

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